About Us

Women2Women serves to amplify women’s voices in Washington. We meet with and poll women nationwide to fully understand the issues they care about most, including healthcare, equal pay, education, childcare, and access to capital. Then we use the data collected to brief elected officials and impact national policy.

Women comprise 55% of the voting public. Acting together, we can elect or defeat public officials and the legislative agendas they champion. Because of Women2Women and organizations like us, the days when women’s issues take a back seat in Washington are coming to an end.


We are the one women’s organization that was expressly founded to cross the political divide, recognizing that women have more in common with each other than with either political party. Unlike other organizations, we inform members of Congress directly about the issues most important to women. We champion specific legislation and engage bipartisan support to achieve our legislative goals.

Founder and CEO
Sarah Chamberlain

Sarah has become one of the most prominent national voices calling for women from both parties to unite around issues and legislation that affect the quality of life for all women. She has a long history of speaking and working with women across the country. She is a recognized expert on the needs and attitudes of suburban women, who represent the swing vote in a critical mass of local, state, and national elections. In addition to founding Women2Women, Sarah is the President and CEO of the Main Street Partnership, which supports moderate Republican candidates in Congress. Through both organizations, she fights for socially inclusive policy that crosses the political divide.

​Sarah serves on the Board of Directors of the Women Campaign School at Yale University, is a National Capital Trustee of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and sits on the Wall Street Journal CEO Council. Her written work has been featured in the Washington Post, The Hill, U.S. News & World Report, and she is a contributor to Forbes.com. Sarah was chosen by CQ Roll Call as a Rising Star and was featured as one of Elle Magazine’s 10 Women in Washington.